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Jun 122014

Does ‘kinky’ necessarily = ‘sick’?
It’s disappointing to witness the media’s negative portrayal of the world of Bondage & Discipline – and even slightly more ‘edgy’ sexual practises like Bondassage. How many times have you watched a scene in a TV show or movie which depicts the BDSM scene as dark, depraved and seedy, full of fucked-up people performing twisted acts of cruelty and torture on each other?

Often it’s also suggested that these bondage scene are mixed up with the shady, criminal underworld, or with psychotic murderers and psychopaths. Yet our TV shows, films, books and newspapers get it wrong in presenting this skewed version of kinky sex as reality.

What’s the truth when it comes to bondage?
So who are these kinky sex practitioners? Believe it or not, they’re just as likely be your neighbour, the couple standing in line in front of you at the supermarket, or even someone within your own family! In fact, a recent article in Psychology Today estimates that around 2-3% of American adults dabble with BDSM practises – and that works out at around 5 million people in the US alone!

Are you kinkier than you’d like to admit?
If your partner sometimes likes to hold your wrists during sex, or if you’ve ever done any kind of dress-up role-playing, if you’ve ever worn a blindfold, or if you’ve ever experimented with nipple-play or spanking, then congratulations – you’re one of those ‘kinky’ types that we’re so often told are ‘bad’, ‘perverted’ or ‘wrong’!

Changing attitudes
In spite of this prevailing attitude, some of the most recent scientific studies have decided that unless your thing for women’s shoes, toe-sucking, or spanking causes you mental distress, you can still be kinky and healthy. And while the mainstream media may be slow to catch on, it’s worth remembering that not everyone who likes a bit of extra excitement in their sex lives is sick or depraved!

So if you’re curious about exploring around the edges of ‘traditional sexuality, don’t feel bad about it. Remember that kink can be just as healthy an expression of sexuality as the missionary position!
Find out more about Bondassage here.

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